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I paint images of beauty and strangeness coupled with a surreal sense of the provocative. With this sensibility what I want most is to impart a sense of wonder to the viewer. Within these placid individuals with contorted, combined and twisted bodies, there is the reality of surprise. A duality of nature, which is unexpected that I express in visions of imagined landscapes of human and animal forms.


My work is intuitive. I do not dwell on the placement of things, I let them find their own way within the painting. Working from my imagination I enjoy painting curious images that co-mingle man and beast. These images are meant to be comical, beautiful, and kinetic but concurrently always hold the darker side of nature. Following my intuition, I seek out a balance and what this duplicity means within my work. I like to rely on the viewer to interpret the imagery, thereby providing both the challenge and opportunity to each individual to translate my visual language from their own unique perspective.

tisha weddington
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